Monday, March 23, 2009


This year Room 23 is in the process of learning about the D.A.R.E education program . Our class is learning about this program so we can make better choices through out our lives.

D.A.R.E stands for
Decision making

It's second meaning is

During this learning we had constable Andy come to our class on Wednesday the 18th of February, to talk to the class about the D.A.R.E education program.
In our class room we have our own D.A.R.E officer, her name is Constable Shree. Constable Shree has already discussed the choice box and our dare booklets. The choice box is a box where anyone in our class can put a question about anything involving dare or the police force. Our dare booklets are booklets where we do activities involving drug education. So far we have made a page about ourselves and how a Passive, Aggressive and a Assertive person acts. D.A.R.E is a very fun and educational program we are all having fun learning it and we will be sad when we have to finish.

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