Thursday, June 25, 2009

Science Fair 2009

This year Pukekohe Intermediate has held a science fair. The Pukekohe Intermediate school since fair is being held in week 2, term 3. All of the entries had to be handed in by Friday 26th of June, to take part in the competition. Students were aloud to enter in pairs. The categories that you could chose from were:

Scientific Investigation

Scientific Photography


Research Science Board

The categories that Me and Jorgia entered into was Research Science Board. Our topic that we chose was tides. Our overall score was 70/100. Some information that we learnt was: What causes a tide? Tides are the rising of the earth’s ocean surface, caused by the tidal forces of the moon and the sun. We learnt alot of new information and had alot of enjoyment working on this project.

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