Wednesday, April 8, 2009

D.A.R.E Authentic Challenge

This year, Room 23 have been making websites for our D.A.R.E authentic challenge. Every person in our class has taken part in this challenge. I have done my D.A.R.E authentic challenge on Text Bullying. My big question is: What are the effects of text bullying? We designed these websites on i-web.

This one of my best pages I have designed on Text Bullying.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Meeting Our Buddy Class

At our school, every year 8 class has a year 7 buddy class. Our buddy class is Room 36.
At the end of our busy term, us and Room 36 had a friendly game and a shared lunch.
Our activity that we played was a dodge ball game. The first round was class against class. Our class won the first game, but our buddy class gave us a very hard challenge. For the second round we had a girls v.s boys game. The competition was very tough. But in the end the girls pulled through and bet the boys.

After our awesome competition, we all had a shared lunch in room 36. It was very fun and the food tasted awesome! We had music going and it was an awesome opportunity to meet new people.

We all had a fun and exciting day and can't wait to have a another game with our buddy class.

D.A.R.E Report 2009

This year room 23 have been lucky enough, to be taking part in the D.AR.E program. D.A.R.E stands for:

Decision Making

Our class has had an awesome constable teaching our class about the program. Her name is constable Sheree. She has taught us about how to make assertive choices, the harmful affect of drugs, peer pressure, and much more. We also had another constable come into our room. His name was constable Andy. Constable Andy came into our room two times and talked to us about the D.A.R.E program.

During the D.A.R.E program, we had a choice box in our room. In this box you can put any questions about D.A.R.E or the police force.

At the end of the term we had with constable Sheree, our whole class got participation certificates and also a D.A.R.E t-shirt.

We had a lot of fun and enjoyment learning about D.A.R.E and will take our skills with us into the future.

Comic Life-Text Bullying

In term 1 and term 2, half of the class are participating in Mrs Nicholson's Environmental Sustainability. The half of the class are doing I.C.T with Mrs Pearson.
At the start of term 3 we swap classes.
This my comic life poster that i made during I.C.T. It is on Text Bullying.

Positives in Life

During D.A.R.E our classroom made a graphic organizer on the positives in Life. We made theses organizers on Microsoft Word.

What things do we have a choice about?

This year we have been learning about D.A.R.E.
As part of our studies, we have made graphic organizers about what choices we have in life.

Some of the ideas we came up with were...

Making the right decision
What I want to do after school
Remembering things
and so on......

This is Billies and mine What Choices We Have In Life poster.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

She Changed Me

As I walked down the stone cold footpath, my friend Lucy was going on about going to Pukekohe Intermediate and how exciting it was going to be. I nodded and said “ Yes it will be “ But secretly inside I felt really nervous and scared.

As we walked into the crowed hall, all you could hear was chattering children. Lucy and me took a seat near the front. “ I hope we are in the class Nicki “ Whispered Lucy. “ Me too “ I said.

A few minutes passed and then a group of teachers entered the room, the hall fell dead silent. “ Welcome to your new school “ said a man with a wide grin on his face. “ This is how it will work, a teacher will come up and call out, his or her class. Once your name is called come up to the front and your teacher will take you to your room “

Five classes went, there were only two teachers left. Lucy and me were defiantly in the same class, I thought to myself. “ Hi everybody, I’m Mr Lee, and this my class for the year “

Many peoples name passed by, Amy, Courtney, Lucy, I started paying close attention now, waiting for my name to be called out. Megan, Samantha, Holly and last of all Isabella. “ If you could all follow me please, “ explained Mr Lee. As that class walked off I sat there motionlessly, not knowing what to think.

A young lady walked up to the front. “ Hi, all of you are in my class, I’m Miss Rose and our room this year is room 19 “ said Miss Rose with a gigantic smile. “ Can all of you please line up outside, and I will lead you to your new room “ Miss Rose told the class.

As I walked into the plain boring classroom, Miss Rose told us to pick a desk to sit at. “ Hey girl, yeah you, come over here and sit next to me “ exclaimed a dark haired girl. I walked over and sat down next to her, not saying a whisper. “ So what’s your name? “ she asked. “ My name is Nicki, “ I said. “ Cool, my name is Liz “ Liz said. Just then the morning tea bell rang, with a noisy clang.

I ran out the door as quick as I could, but as soon as I exited the room Liz stoped me. “ Lets go this way “ Said Liz, with a look on her face she wouldn’t take no for an answer. “ Um OK then “ I disappointedly said.

As we walked through the playground, Lucy called out to me. “ Nicki, there you are, I’ve been looking for you everywhere! “ “ Hey Lucy! I can’t believe we are not in the same class, it really sucks “ “ Are you going to introduce me then “ grouched Liz. “ Um, yeah, Lucy this is Liz, Liz this Lucy” I told them. “ Lets go now, “ said Liz. “ Ok, By Lucy “ I said

As me and Liz kept on walking through the playground, Liz said to me. “ Don’t hang out with her anymore, she is a fat loser “ I didn’t know what to say, Lucy and me had been friends forever. “ um OK then “ I softly said.” Good” said Liz. Just then the bell rang.

The next day, I didn’t know what had gotten into me, I didn’t know what had gotten into me, I didn’t hang out with Lucy, I started calling people losers, fat, loners and much more. But even though I was doing this everyone liked me.

“ Hey Nicki “ I heard Lucy say. “ What do you want loser” I replied. “ I just want to tell you, that this isn’t the Nicki I know, what’s gotten into you, you need some help “ said Lucy. “ Piss off, loner ‘” I scowled. “ Fine just think about what I said “

Even though I didn’t want to believe what Lucy was telling me, I knew that it was all true. I told Liz what she said, and Liz told me, not to worry about it, dumb old Lucy doesn’t know what she is on about. I believed her.

The next day when the bell rung, Miss Rose told me to stay behind. “ Yes Miss Rose “ I said. “ Nicki, I have noticed a change in your behaviour lately, is there you want talk about “ Miss Rose sweetly said. “ um Sort of, well I have been a bit pressured into doing things that I don’t normally do, by Liz, now I have lost my best friend and don’t know what to do “ I told Miss Rose. “ wow, big problem aye, well I think that Liz isn’t a real friend if she’s doing that, and ask her to forgive you “ advised Miss Rose. “ Thankyou “ I said.

When I walked out of the class, I ran to look for Lucy. Then I found her. “ Hey Lucy, I’m really sorry for what I have been doing to you, it really wasn’t me will you forgive me please “ I begged. “ Of course “ examined Lucy.

Lucy and me were walking through the park together, Liz came up to us. “ Why are you hanging out with that dork? “ she said. “ Because she is my friend, unlike you “ I said. “ Fine then if you don’t want to be popular” she said. “ No I don’t so go away, “ I said.

When Liz walked away Lucy said. “ Thankyou for sticking up for me, you really are a true
friend “