Thursday, April 2, 2009

She Changed Me

As I walked down the stone cold footpath, my friend Lucy was going on about going to Pukekohe Intermediate and how exciting it was going to be. I nodded and said “ Yes it will be “ But secretly inside I felt really nervous and scared.

As we walked into the crowed hall, all you could hear was chattering children. Lucy and me took a seat near the front. “ I hope we are in the class Nicki “ Whispered Lucy. “ Me too “ I said.

A few minutes passed and then a group of teachers entered the room, the hall fell dead silent. “ Welcome to your new school “ said a man with a wide grin on his face. “ This is how it will work, a teacher will come up and call out, his or her class. Once your name is called come up to the front and your teacher will take you to your room “

Five classes went, there were only two teachers left. Lucy and me were defiantly in the same class, I thought to myself. “ Hi everybody, I’m Mr Lee, and this my class for the year “

Many peoples name passed by, Amy, Courtney, Lucy, I started paying close attention now, waiting for my name to be called out. Megan, Samantha, Holly and last of all Isabella. “ If you could all follow me please, “ explained Mr Lee. As that class walked off I sat there motionlessly, not knowing what to think.

A young lady walked up to the front. “ Hi, all of you are in my class, I’m Miss Rose and our room this year is room 19 “ said Miss Rose with a gigantic smile. “ Can all of you please line up outside, and I will lead you to your new room “ Miss Rose told the class.

As I walked into the plain boring classroom, Miss Rose told us to pick a desk to sit at. “ Hey girl, yeah you, come over here and sit next to me “ exclaimed a dark haired girl. I walked over and sat down next to her, not saying a whisper. “ So what’s your name? “ she asked. “ My name is Nicki, “ I said. “ Cool, my name is Liz “ Liz said. Just then the morning tea bell rang, with a noisy clang.

I ran out the door as quick as I could, but as soon as I exited the room Liz stoped me. “ Lets go this way “ Said Liz, with a look on her face she wouldn’t take no for an answer. “ Um OK then “ I disappointedly said.

As we walked through the playground, Lucy called out to me. “ Nicki, there you are, I’ve been looking for you everywhere! “ “ Hey Lucy! I can’t believe we are not in the same class, it really sucks “ “ Are you going to introduce me then “ grouched Liz. “ Um, yeah, Lucy this is Liz, Liz this Lucy” I told them. “ Lets go now, “ said Liz. “ Ok, By Lucy “ I said

As me and Liz kept on walking through the playground, Liz said to me. “ Don’t hang out with her anymore, she is a fat loser “ I didn’t know what to say, Lucy and me had been friends forever. “ um OK then “ I softly said.” Good” said Liz. Just then the bell rang.

The next day, I didn’t know what had gotten into me, I didn’t know what had gotten into me, I didn’t hang out with Lucy, I started calling people losers, fat, loners and much more. But even though I was doing this everyone liked me.

“ Hey Nicki “ I heard Lucy say. “ What do you want loser” I replied. “ I just want to tell you, that this isn’t the Nicki I know, what’s gotten into you, you need some help “ said Lucy. “ Piss off, loner ‘” I scowled. “ Fine just think about what I said “

Even though I didn’t want to believe what Lucy was telling me, I knew that it was all true. I told Liz what she said, and Liz told me, not to worry about it, dumb old Lucy doesn’t know what she is on about. I believed her.

The next day when the bell rung, Miss Rose told me to stay behind. “ Yes Miss Rose “ I said. “ Nicki, I have noticed a change in your behaviour lately, is there you want talk about “ Miss Rose sweetly said. “ um Sort of, well I have been a bit pressured into doing things that I don’t normally do, by Liz, now I have lost my best friend and don’t know what to do “ I told Miss Rose. “ wow, big problem aye, well I think that Liz isn’t a real friend if she’s doing that, and ask her to forgive you “ advised Miss Rose. “ Thankyou “ I said.

When I walked out of the class, I ran to look for Lucy. Then I found her. “ Hey Lucy, I’m really sorry for what I have been doing to you, it really wasn’t me will you forgive me please “ I begged. “ Of course “ examined Lucy.

Lucy and me were walking through the park together, Liz came up to us. “ Why are you hanging out with that dork? “ she said. “ Because she is my friend, unlike you “ I said. “ Fine then if you don’t want to be popular” she said. “ No I don’t so go away, “ I said.

When Liz walked away Lucy said. “ Thankyou for sticking up for me, you really are a true
friend “

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