Thursday, November 20, 2008

Letter to Protect Maui's Dolphins

Dear Prime Minster

My name is Shannon, and I am a year seven student. Two classes at our school have been researching the endangered Maui’s dolphins. We are very concerned about the decline in population. There are approximately 100 Maui’s dolphins left in New Zealand. Between 30-40 years ago there were around 1000 Maui’s alive and now only 10% remain.

So why are these dolphins dying so quickly?
Fishing nets made of nylon are a big problem. Maui’s dolphins eco-location does not bounce off the nets but it does on the fish inside. The dolphins swim in to eat the fish and become stuck. Since they can’t swim backwards they stay there and drown.

Plastic bags are also a problem. Plastic bags that are dumped in our gutters and on the beach end up in there habitats. They eat plastic bags that they confuse for food.

So what can we do to protect these animals?
We can ban fishing nets in their habitats. Pick up plastic bags near gutters and on the beach, even if they don’t belong to you. We can put up signs in Maui’s Dolphins habitat, so people will take more notice and be more cautious. Also you can call 0800 4 MAUI when you think you have seen a Maui’s Dolphins.

Please help us stop the decline of our precious Maui’s Dolphins. We don’t have much time left. We need to take action now.

Yours Sincerely

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