Sunday, December 6, 2009

For many weeks, Year 8 students have been reaching and planning our seminars for 2009. The topic for this year was careers. I deiced that hairdressing was the career for me, so I did my seminar on this topic. I presented my seminar on PowerPoint.
This rubric shows my marks that I was given for my seminar.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Surf To School

Mandy at Matt came to Pukekohe Intermediate on 24th of November to teach our school about how we can be safe in the water this summer. They taught us heaps of valuable information such as how to spot a rip, how to be sun smart and some beach rules. Some of the beach rules are:

1. Swim between the flags
2. Have an adult watch over you
3. Be sun smart
4. Listen to advice from life guards
5. Learn to recongise rips
6. If in dout stay out.
7. Use the correct and safe equipment
8. Look after beach animals and take rubbish home
9. Never swim alone
10. Never swim when tired or cold

I learnt alot from Mandy and Matt. This information was very useful and i will never forget it.

Stepz Dancing

Every Friday since the start of term 4, Room 23 and all of the Year 8 classes have been participating in Stepz dancing. The reason that we are taking part in Stepz, is that on Tuesday the 9th of December there will be a Year 8 leavers social. This social is invitation only and the set theme is Glitz and Glam. We will be performing 9 different dances that we have learnt.

Careers Day

With the year 8's going to High School next year, Room 3 from Pukekohe Intermediate organised a Year 8 Careers Day. Each student attended 3 sessions from the workers that came into our school on the 19th of November. The workers gave speeches on how their job works, what their day involves and how to get into their industry.
In my day, I visited a detective, a scientist and Mia form My FM. I learnt alot from all of these speakers.

Island Style Mufti

After the Tsunami in Samoa,Pukekohe Intermediate and many other schools held an Island Style Mufti. Every student made a gold coin donation to the Relief Fund for the Families who have lost family and homes. The students wore Island Style clothes or accessories to school on Friday 20th November. Most of the pupils from Pukekohe Intermediate took part of this mufti. Overall the day was a huge success.

Typing Test

Most afternoons, our class uses a typing program called Sense Lang. This program helps us improve our touch typing speed. The first picture is my high score touch typing. The second picture is my high score not touch typing. I am trying hard to improve these scores.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Grease Production

From the start of this year, teachers and students were working hard on the Grease Production. Making this happen took alot of work. There were many groups. Such as: cast, hair and makeup, costumes, scenery, publicity, dance, A.V, Lighting, props, minor props and backstage. I was in the scenery group with Mrs.Pearson. When the performances got under way Tegan and I were asked to video all four shows and to make the movie that will be sold on DVD. The Grease show was fantastic and was a very big hit.

Competitive Athletics

From the start of Term 4, all students have been training for Competitive Athletics. On Tuesday 17th November, all of the competitive students walked to Growers Stadium. The day started with the track events. I entered in Senior girls Discus and Senior girls Shot Put. I tried my hardest in both events but did not get a placing.
Overall the day was awesome. With many records getting broken.The athletes that were placed high enough will be going off to Zone Athletics on Wednesday 25th November. Good luck o all these students.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Sunday 6th September finally came and 80 Pukekohe Intermediate Students hit the road for Tauranga. We gathered at the school car park, loaded up the vans then headed off to compete in the NZCT AIMS National Sporting Championship.

We arrived in the Mount at about 3.30pm, where we then drove to our camp ground and had a team meeting. We were told our cabin numbers, then we went over rules and safety. After a snack, unpacking our gear and a quick play on the playground, we jumped into our vans and headed to Queen Elizabeth The Second Event Centre in Tauranga for the opening ceremony. We sat through an hours worth of entertainment before the AIMS Games were officially opened.

The next morning we were woken at 6.30. We prepared for the day ahead, then we travelled to Harbourside Netball Centre. We were extremely early so we got a spot in the pavillion, then walked to Blake Park to watch the soccer girls. After their win, we went back to the courts and started our warm up. Our first game was a loss to Whakatane, the score was 24-30. We had some lunch then we had our second game, one of our hardest.

We lost 36-19 to Northcross. After a long day we drove home back to the campgound, showered, ate then we were off to the RSA for Dinner.
Monday wasn't a good start for us Netball Girls, but we went to bed early for a good sleep for the next day.

We psyched ourselves up listening to our team song as we drove to the courts.We warmed up the jumped on court for our first game of the day. We came out with a win, 25-24 against Taupo, who in the end took out the competition for Netball. Our second game was a loss to Peachgrove 30-17. After our third devastating loss, we went out fighting against Tahatai Coast and won 40-21.

We went to the movies that afternoon and watched The Proposal. We had dinner at the RSA then bedtime. After being placed in the Bottom 16, we wanted to prove ourselves. That day we had two more wins against John Paul College 33-6, and Hastings 42-21. In the late afternoon we drove to the beach, half of the team walked up the Mount and the other half stayed on the beach. We arrived 15 minutes late to dinner, and rushed our food down.

The next day we lost against Katikati 27-23, then won against Bethleham College 33-25. Winning our last game placed us in the C Grade Final on Friday. We came up against Havelock North and won 34-27. At 1pm we travelled to the closing ceremony. We sat through the presentations, and when hat was finished we drove straight home.

I had such an awesome time at the AIMS Games and it was an experience that i will never forget.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Google For Doodle

During term 3, Room 23 have been designing Google doodles, representing New Zealand.
Google was holding a competition for kids in New Zealand to design a Google Doodle.

Each student was given a blank Google design sheet and was expected to come up with creative ideas to include on their Google Doodle. This was a success. Many pupils had great ideas and all of the designs look awesome !

As a class we voted for a Google Doodle that stood out the most for us, and could be in the process to be one of the 8 Google doodles chosen from our class to send to Google.

100 finalists will be chosen from all over New Zealand, 20 from each age group and the prize will be a Google Certificate. 20 winners will be chosen out of all the age groups. The prizes: A copy of the Google design for their school, an invitation to the ceremony for the National winners; their Google Doodle displayed on the Google website for the public to vote, and a Doodle 4 Google goody bag. The national age group winner will be chosen by the public's vote, and there will be one design chosen from each age group. Prizes: Interactive white board for their school, and laptop for the winner.

Dennis Hwang, Google's Webmaster, will pick the National overall winner, out of the four chosen age group winners. This winner will receive $10,000 worth of technology equipment for their school, and their design will be on the Google homepage for 24 hours.

Website Design

During term three, each student in Room 23 created a music website to promote themselves as a recording artist. This task was part of our Music Authentic challenge. To start of with, we had to come up with a creative artists name. I came up with Shantazia. We had two options of websites to use to design our website on. They were and I choose webs as it had more options and better layouts.

On the website we had to have the following:
1. an image gallery
2. Playlist of your songs
3. Lyrics of one of your songs
4. Poster advertising an up comeing C.D release
5. Blog
6. Biography

I have successfully completed and published my website. This was a very challenging task, and i had alot of fun completing it. This is my website link if you want to have a look.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Above is table, with my Achievements to date in 2009 as a Year 8

On the 14th of August 2009 room 23 students completed the Birmingham Grid for Learning Multiple Intelligences test. This test is to see what "Smart" you are. My strongest smarts are interpersonal and interpersonal and my weakest smarts are naturalistic and musical. These intelligences will change overtime.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Zone Netball

As the girls jumped onto the court you could tell that they were determined to win.
Four netball teams from Pukekohe Intermediate School two year seven and two year eight, traveled to the Manurewa netball courts to play in a whole day tournament. Each team played around 5-7, 16 minute games. I was in the year 8 A netball team. we won 5 games and lost 2, overall giving us a placing of 3rd. This was disappointing for all of our team as that meant we did not not make it into Inter-zone. But we all knew that we went out and gave it our all.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Winter Sports Evaluation

This is winter sports evaluation sheet. It shows all of sports that we had played during term 2 and the process that we made.

I.C.T Skills

These are I.C.T Rubrics of my computer skills. They show what i have learnt in the digital classroom, and what i still need to improve on.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Science Road show

During P 5&6, Monday 20th of July, classes 23,28,and 33 went to the Fonterra Science Roadshow, that is being held in our school hall. There were three men who taught us about: Planet Earth - matter, energy an life. Also about sound out Waves - The science of sound. after they talked to us about these topics, they had many different activities that every one could look at and have a play with. Some of the activities were: Spinning chair, estimating age and much more. On some of the activities there were different questions that were asking you for an answer. At the end of the show the three men asked some questions and if you got it right you won a prize! The Fonterra Science Road show was a very enjoyable and a awesome learning experience.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Evey student in Room 23, has a Mathletics account. Mathletics is a maths website. Mathletics helps to improve our maths. It has different categories, for maths subjects and allows us to compete, on Live Mathletics against our classmates. It is a great resource, for all aged children as the levels vary for 1 - 5 depending, on your year level, at school.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Contributions and Achievements

Merit Mentions x4 ( Two from Mrs. Pearson and Two from Mr. Sibbley)

Term 1

School Swimming
Swimming Carnival
School Photographer
Year 8 Camp

Term 2

2009 World Vision Famine
Coca Cola netball
Chocolate Fundraiser
Zone A Netball Team
Aims Netball Team
Maui's Dolphins Keynote Presentation

Hard Materials

Every Day 5 during P3 and 4, half of room 23 go to hard materials, with Mr Sibbley. He has taught us all of the safety rules and much more. So far into the term we have made a wooden animal or something that has wheels, a wooden Box, a Plastic Keyring and are currently making a childs toy.

We are enjoying hard Materials and are very lucky to have this experience.

Science Fair 2009

This year Pukekohe Intermediate has held a science fair. The Pukekohe Intermediate school since fair is being held in week 2, term 3. All of the entries had to be handed in by Friday 26th of June, to take part in the competition. Students were aloud to enter in pairs. The categories that you could chose from were:

Scientific Investigation

Scientific Photography


Research Science Board

The categories that Me and Jorgia entered into was Research Science Board. Our topic that we chose was tides. Our overall score was 70/100. Some information that we learnt was: What causes a tide? Tides are the rising of the earth’s ocean surface, caused by the tidal forces of the moon and the sun. We learnt alot of new information and had alot of enjoyment working on this project.

Tapuae Report

Week 1, Term 2 Pukekohe Intermediate School held a school wide Tapuae competition. Dominique Hancock, Sports Co-ordinater from Room 45 was the organizer for this competition.

The teams were entered as buddy classes for the competition, and a maximum of 16 team players were able to take the court at once. Lupe Soapi of Room 23, and Abi Chapman of Room 36 were our team captains.

Students from the 2 teams played a number of games against a lot of challenging classes, playing a total of 3 games, making it into the quarter finals! In this game we went up against Room 13 & 45 and successfully came out with victory, which then took us into the Semi-finals.

Our first semi-final game was on Tuesday 16th on June and versed the same 2 classes. We had a really tough game and the weather was really rough, but even though we had to put up with that, Room 23 & 36 still came out with a win.

Wednesday 17th of June we played against Room 28 & 45. It was a very tough competition. But we pulled through with a win.

Our class made it into the finials, and bet Room 3 & their buddy class. In full school assembly, our two captains went up to collect our certificate.

2009 40 hour Famine

This year, Pukekohe Intermediate got involved and supported the 40 Hour Famine. This was optional for students at Pukekohe Intermediate. Many students got involved and raised money for kids in need. I took part in the 40 Hour Famine. It was a very awesome experience to live life like kids in need. I raised $75.00 all together. The Famine is awesome and I cant wait to do it again next year.

Exposition - Surf Life Saving

Being a surf lifeguard is voluntary, they do not get paid, they need your help, to buy the equipment needed, to save lives. Get involved.

There are a number of simple ways that you, your family and friends, can help out. Think about joining a surf life saving club, get your school involved or simply make a donation. Every little bit of support makes a difference.

Surf lifesavers risk their own lives, to save people. To fully train and equip one lifeguard, it costs around $2,600. This money is well worth it, surf lifesavers are the true hero’s of the surf.

Lifeguards put out red and yellow flags. They do this for a reason. That reason is for your safety. So swim between the flags. At the beach there are a lot of rocks. If you are exploring or fishing, be safe, rocks get slippery and very dangerous. Being sun smart is another tip. If you follow these tips, you will have a fun and enjoyable time at the beach.

So the next time you are swimming, surfing and having a good time at the beach, think about the lifeguards. They are just ordinary people who do extraordinary things.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Maui's Dolphins Mural

Room 23 at Pukekohe Intermediate, have been researching the endangered Maui"s Dolphins. Our class room has been looking at ways that we can help save these animals. Our class has decided to paint a mural about the Maui's dolphins. Vanessa Graham is the artist that is currently painting the mural. Our class room has worked very hard to get to this stage of the mural. During Week 9 of Term 2 our classroom made a keynote presentation on the Maui's Dolphins to show the rest of Pukekohe Intermediate how endangered the dolphins are. We also showed them how they can help the Maui's. A group of students in our class organized for a black, white and Grey mufti day. Every student that wears the mufti will bring a gold coin donation. The money that we raise will go towards special equipment to help the Maui's dolphin survive.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Aims Netball 2009

Through out week 6 Pukekohe Intermediate have been running Aims trials for Aims netball in Week 8 of term 3. There were 3 trials and every girl got at least 2 trials on court. We got to trial in our best positions. On the Thursday we had our last trial. The trial finished at morning tea, and then we got called out a list of around 20 girls that had been called back out for callbacks, at lunch time that day. After that trial the girls were very nervous waiting to find out who the team was.We got told that the list of the Aims team will be on room 31's window by Friday. Everyone run to the list and the Aims team is: Jazmin (captain) Anna-Lee, Bailee, Tegan, Leota, Shannon, Danelle, Tamara, Kelly, Katelin, Danika and Havannah these girls will represent Pukekohe Intermediate in Zone in A grade and at Aims.

'Now the hard work really begins'

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

2009 Chocolate Fundraising

This year Pukekohe Intermediate is taking part in the Cadbury Chocolate School Fundraiser. This year the money that is raised by all of the year 8's will go towards two marquee tents. They will both be named and contain the school logo. These tents will be taken to zone sports. The money that is raised by the year 7's will go towards their year 8 camp next year.

There is going to prizes for the top chocolate sellers. One prize for year 7 and one for year 8. There is also two prizes for the two top classes and a spot prize for anyone that has sold at least one box of chocolate.

Many people have taken part in this school wide event an look forward to sell them again next year.

Spellodrome Certificate

Mathlectics Certificate

Ngahinapouri School Netball Tournament Hamilton

On Sunday 24th of May, Pukekohe Intermediate sent a netball team of 10 girls, Danelle Cox (Captain) Jazmin Fulton, Kelly Drew, Tegan Hunter, Danielle McNabb, Shannon van den Berg, Havannah Pearson, Jorgia Watson, Billie Paterson and Bailee Graham.The girls travelled to Minogue Park Netball Courts in Hamilton.We competed in 5 games throughout the day. It started off sunny for the first 2 games but then the rain hit and it was freezing cold. Pukekohe Platinum did extremely well placing second in the tournament by only one goal! We had many injuries and numb fingers but we all had an awesome day and it was awesome fun.

The results were:
Pukekohe vs St Andrews 21-10 Win
Pukekohe vs Peach Grove 13-12 Loss
Pukekohe vs TAI Soldiers 13-13 Draw
Pukekohe vs Maeroa 18-3 Win
Pukekohe vs Berkeley 13-9 Win

2009 Speech Competiton

Speech Assessment 2009.
Topic: Surf life Saving
Time: 2.35
Date Presented: 23 May 2009
Score: 81/100

2009 Speech Competiton

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Maths Week Poster

During May 11th-15th Pukekohe Intermediate is running their own Maths Week. Its a week fulled of fun but challenging maths activities. The activities include Code Crackers, 10.15am Sprint, Class Mathex Challenge, Interval Spot prize just to name a few! Everyone is expected to join in in some way and just have fun! The intention of this week is to make maths fun and enjoyable for everyone! Above is the poster Danelle and I have made for the Maths Week Poster Competition.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Year 8 camp 2009

BubbleShare: Share photos - Easy Photo Sharing

This is my Bubble Share Slide show all about the 2009 year 8 camp.We hade a very fun and enjoyable three days down at Matamata. It was defiantly worth it!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

D.A.R.E Authentic Challenge

This year, Room 23 have been making websites for our D.A.R.E authentic challenge. Every person in our class has taken part in this challenge. I have done my D.A.R.E authentic challenge on Text Bullying. My big question is: What are the effects of text bullying? We designed these websites on i-web.

This one of my best pages I have designed on Text Bullying.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Meeting Our Buddy Class

At our school, every year 8 class has a year 7 buddy class. Our buddy class is Room 36.
At the end of our busy term, us and Room 36 had a friendly game and a shared lunch.
Our activity that we played was a dodge ball game. The first round was class against class. Our class won the first game, but our buddy class gave us a very hard challenge. For the second round we had a girls v.s boys game. The competition was very tough. But in the end the girls pulled through and bet the boys.

After our awesome competition, we all had a shared lunch in room 36. It was very fun and the food tasted awesome! We had music going and it was an awesome opportunity to meet new people.

We all had a fun and exciting day and can't wait to have a another game with our buddy class.

D.A.R.E Report 2009

This year room 23 have been lucky enough, to be taking part in the D.AR.E program. D.A.R.E stands for:

Decision Making

Our class has had an awesome constable teaching our class about the program. Her name is constable Sheree. She has taught us about how to make assertive choices, the harmful affect of drugs, peer pressure, and much more. We also had another constable come into our room. His name was constable Andy. Constable Andy came into our room two times and talked to us about the D.A.R.E program.

During the D.A.R.E program, we had a choice box in our room. In this box you can put any questions about D.A.R.E or the police force.

At the end of the term we had with constable Sheree, our whole class got participation certificates and also a D.A.R.E t-shirt.

We had a lot of fun and enjoyment learning about D.A.R.E and will take our skills with us into the future.

Comic Life-Text Bullying

In term 1 and term 2, half of the class are participating in Mrs Nicholson's Environmental Sustainability. The half of the class are doing I.C.T with Mrs Pearson.
At the start of term 3 we swap classes.
This my comic life poster that i made during I.C.T. It is on Text Bullying.

Positives in Life

During D.A.R.E our classroom made a graphic organizer on the positives in Life. We made theses organizers on Microsoft Word.

What things do we have a choice about?

This year we have been learning about D.A.R.E.
As part of our studies, we have made graphic organizers about what choices we have in life.

Some of the ideas we came up with were...

Making the right decision
What I want to do after school
Remembering things
and so on......

This is Billies and mine What Choices We Have In Life poster.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

She Changed Me

As I walked down the stone cold footpath, my friend Lucy was going on about going to Pukekohe Intermediate and how exciting it was going to be. I nodded and said “ Yes it will be “ But secretly inside I felt really nervous and scared.

As we walked into the crowed hall, all you could hear was chattering children. Lucy and me took a seat near the front. “ I hope we are in the class Nicki “ Whispered Lucy. “ Me too “ I said.

A few minutes passed and then a group of teachers entered the room, the hall fell dead silent. “ Welcome to your new school “ said a man with a wide grin on his face. “ This is how it will work, a teacher will come up and call out, his or her class. Once your name is called come up to the front and your teacher will take you to your room “

Five classes went, there were only two teachers left. Lucy and me were defiantly in the same class, I thought to myself. “ Hi everybody, I’m Mr Lee, and this my class for the year “

Many peoples name passed by, Amy, Courtney, Lucy, I started paying close attention now, waiting for my name to be called out. Megan, Samantha, Holly and last of all Isabella. “ If you could all follow me please, “ explained Mr Lee. As that class walked off I sat there motionlessly, not knowing what to think.

A young lady walked up to the front. “ Hi, all of you are in my class, I’m Miss Rose and our room this year is room 19 “ said Miss Rose with a gigantic smile. “ Can all of you please line up outside, and I will lead you to your new room “ Miss Rose told the class.

As I walked into the plain boring classroom, Miss Rose told us to pick a desk to sit at. “ Hey girl, yeah you, come over here and sit next to me “ exclaimed a dark haired girl. I walked over and sat down next to her, not saying a whisper. “ So what’s your name? “ she asked. “ My name is Nicki, “ I said. “ Cool, my name is Liz “ Liz said. Just then the morning tea bell rang, with a noisy clang.

I ran out the door as quick as I could, but as soon as I exited the room Liz stoped me. “ Lets go this way “ Said Liz, with a look on her face she wouldn’t take no for an answer. “ Um OK then “ I disappointedly said.

As we walked through the playground, Lucy called out to me. “ Nicki, there you are, I’ve been looking for you everywhere! “ “ Hey Lucy! I can’t believe we are not in the same class, it really sucks “ “ Are you going to introduce me then “ grouched Liz. “ Um, yeah, Lucy this is Liz, Liz this Lucy” I told them. “ Lets go now, “ said Liz. “ Ok, By Lucy “ I said

As me and Liz kept on walking through the playground, Liz said to me. “ Don’t hang out with her anymore, she is a fat loser “ I didn’t know what to say, Lucy and me had been friends forever. “ um OK then “ I softly said.” Good” said Liz. Just then the bell rang.

The next day, I didn’t know what had gotten into me, I didn’t know what had gotten into me, I didn’t hang out with Lucy, I started calling people losers, fat, loners and much more. But even though I was doing this everyone liked me.

“ Hey Nicki “ I heard Lucy say. “ What do you want loser” I replied. “ I just want to tell you, that this isn’t the Nicki I know, what’s gotten into you, you need some help “ said Lucy. “ Piss off, loner ‘” I scowled. “ Fine just think about what I said “

Even though I didn’t want to believe what Lucy was telling me, I knew that it was all true. I told Liz what she said, and Liz told me, not to worry about it, dumb old Lucy doesn’t know what she is on about. I believed her.

The next day when the bell rung, Miss Rose told me to stay behind. “ Yes Miss Rose “ I said. “ Nicki, I have noticed a change in your behaviour lately, is there you want talk about “ Miss Rose sweetly said. “ um Sort of, well I have been a bit pressured into doing things that I don’t normally do, by Liz, now I have lost my best friend and don’t know what to do “ I told Miss Rose. “ wow, big problem aye, well I think that Liz isn’t a real friend if she’s doing that, and ask her to forgive you “ advised Miss Rose. “ Thankyou “ I said.

When I walked out of the class, I ran to look for Lucy. Then I found her. “ Hey Lucy, I’m really sorry for what I have been doing to you, it really wasn’t me will you forgive me please “ I begged. “ Of course “ examined Lucy.

Lucy and me were walking through the park together, Liz came up to us. “ Why are you hanging out with that dork? “ she said. “ Because she is my friend, unlike you “ I said. “ Fine then if you don’t want to be popular” she said. “ No I don’t so go away, “ I said.

When Liz walked away Lucy said. “ Thankyou for sticking up for me, you really are a true
friend “

Monday, March 23, 2009

Coca Cola Netball

On Wednesday the 20th of May, Pukekohe Intermediate School are sending 12 - 15 teams of girls to Papakura netball centre.
The teams are going to compete in the Coca Cola Netball tournament.
Each team will play 5 - 6 games, each game will be 20 minutes long.

We have two divisions, competitive and social.
Year 7 and year 8 students had to trail to make the competitive teams. We plan to take 8 competitive and around about 6 social teams.

The two teachers incharge of the teams are Mrs. Pearson ( Rm 23 ) and Ms. Guise ( Rm 31 ) " I think we have some strong enough teams as long as they work together " and she also said " Team work comes with practice ". Mrs Pearson said, " If all the girls play as a team and do their best job we have a good chance of making the finals" .

This day will be an awesome opportunity to play against other schools and have some fun.
We will let you know the results.


This year Room 23 is in the process of learning about the D.A.R.E education program . Our class is learning about this program so we can make better choices through out our lives.

D.A.R.E stands for
Decision making

It's second meaning is

During this learning we had constable Andy come to our class on Wednesday the 18th of February, to talk to the class about the D.A.R.E education program.
In our class room we have our own D.A.R.E officer, her name is Constable Shree. Constable Shree has already discussed the choice box and our dare booklets. The choice box is a box where anyone in our class can put a question about anything involving dare or the police force. Our dare booklets are booklets where we do activities involving drug education. So far we have made a page about ourselves and how a Passive, Aggressive and a Assertive person acts. D.A.R.E is a very fun and educational program we are all having fun learning it and we will be sad when we have to finish.